Push Email - Palm Treo 750

Hi, I have mail2web configured on my 750, can anyone tell me how can i turn pushmail on and off ? I can't see anything obvious although I guess it probably is.

Hi there..
U need to configure yr mail2web in the active sync and not in the Outlook email..all will b done automatically then..

Thanks that indeed does the job, should have looked a bit harder.


Direct Push Help...

Alright, I'm really new to this whole Exchange thing (just signed up about twenty minutes ago). So far I got everything working fine on my computer and I managed to enter in all the correct settings on my phone. However, it ONLY syncs with the exchange server when I go into ActiveSync and tell it to, OR when I update a task or appointment on my device. I'm running a Treo 700w, but I imagine Direct Push would work the same for all WM5 devices that have it. How do I make it so that email is automatically pushed to my device, just like it's pushed to Outlook 2003 on my PC? I'd really appreciate anybody's help.. Thank you so much!

Direct Push Problem?

Hi, before I get into my problem let me tell you what I have done so far. I used the great tutorial on here for flashing to WM6. I installed the 2 cabs ran them use shell tool and flashed to Crossbow 1.7 Final. Performed a hard reset. Everything is great! Now I have SunCom and never put on a radio rom etc or anything like this. I setup my GPRS works great. Email works great everything again works great. If I try to goto my comm manager and enable direct push though I get no options it's greyed out. Also I screwed up last night and disabled my Data in comm manager. Couldn't figure out how to turn it back on ended up doing a hard reset . Anyway all these posts are so helpful but I could not find one related to my problem. I am thinking it is because I didn't put a radio rom on I'm not sure that's why i'm turning to you guys. Also the phone is a G4 is this help?
Thanks in advance.
you'll need to configure a server in activesync first. and for that you need to have an ccount with a provider that runs exchange server 2003 sp2. if you choose "as items arrive" as your sync frequency, you have direct push mail.
Ahh thank you. I thought (And could definatly be wrong!) That on WM5 I could select it with just a pop3 account. Am I mistaking? Thanks for the quick reply as well.
nope, you need to have some sort of push email service subscription.. either through work (exchange server, etc.) or something like blackberry connect, 7, etc.
Thanks for the information. I guess I need to do some research into the blackberry app if it works for our phone. Was sure I saw the program on the FTP here. I'm sure I will need to subscribe for there services though. Unfortunatly the company I work for isn't that big and I don't have to resources to build a server just for exchange. Not to mention how big of a pain it would be to set everyone up as well, and downtime I shutter thinking about it .
mail2web offer a push service. it works well too. i used it for a while till i got my office server configured for the job.
But there still is an issue with direct push, at least for me. Before I flashed to WM6 my email would arrive on my 8125 before or at the same time as they would come to my inbox on my PC. After installing Crossbow WM6 the email comes as much as 10 minutes after it hits my inbox on the PC.
seems like you are just synching your phone every 15 mins or so. Do you have exchange server with direct push?
bowlopho said:
seems like you are just synching your phone every 15 mins or so. Do you have exchange server with direct push?
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As I have stated before going to WM6 direct push would receive the emails few seconds before my PC did, and yes I have it enabled right now and I have selected to receive items as they arrive.

Can I use my mail2web LIVE account with two PPCs?

I use the free Pushmail service from mail2web since a while now and now I am going to get a second PPC device.
Can I connect to mail2web LIVE with both devices at the same time? I would be cool, if I entry a task on device 1 and seconds later it is also on device 2
I don't know about doing it at the exact same time, but I have both my Tilt and Treo 750 syncing to the same account. So basically when I switch my sim to the other phone the next time it synchs it picks up the changes I made with the first phone. Although if I remember correctly I had to do a reg hack to make this work but I can't remember what it was.
I am going to use a dual sim card to do this. Maybe this could be a problem
This is driving me crazy now because I can't find the hack. I'm not sure how a dual sim will impact it, but I don't think that should be a problem. Basically, the way I understand it, for an exchange server source sync you are only allowed one connection standard. So I had my mail2web set up on my Tilt. I bought a 750 for one and set it up exactly the same way but the sync would never complete. I did some searching and found that there was a registry hack I did on my 750 to allow it to sync. And since then it has worked perfectly. Like I said, I make a change on my Tilt, calendar, contact or whatever. The next time I throw my sim in my 750 and it syncs up the change are automatically reflected. I guess you might have issues with two devices only if they are trying to sync at the exact same time. I guess that could be a concern. But this has worked perfectly for me with mail2web.
Ok, found it. I also understand that this change needs to be made if you want to have two server sync connections, but I'm not sure about that. Also, I only made this change on the second device that I set up for the mail2web sync. Let me know if it works out for you:
= (DWORD) 1
This key will most probably be there already, but if it is, its value
will be 0. If so, change it to 1.
Thank you a lot
I will try this, as soon as my second device is here

Problems with Activesync!

Hi...to some of the more experienced hands out there. I have a problem with Microsoft Active sync 4.5.
I introduced new categories for my contacts in Outlook 2007. these copied fine, but what happens is...i get an error message saying synchronization cannot be completed. at this time, when i sync using the active sync application on my vox, it works and synchronises fine....all this after i disabled advanced network functionality.
the above process takes nearly 10mins! that too, after i manually press the sync button on my mobile! is there any way to solve this problem?
also, i wish to know if there is anyway one can add more fields to the phones contact book. i added and entered data in new fields in outlook 2007, but this wasnt transmitted to my mobile.......we have useless entries like pager, radio ( what the hell is that!! ) and so on, but not a single place where one can enter an extra mobile no. for instance!!!
can any one help? tried a lot of fora, but no one seems to have any proper solution for this one!
a new challenge for xda developers forum! thanx in advance, its maddening doing this sync manually every bloody time!
Try deleting the device from activesync while device is disconnected and then adding it again by reconnecting.
Tried but no result!
thank u but i tried all the obvious solutions.....else i wouldnt have started this post. all this works only with advanced network functionality off, mind u, and it takes ages!
rghai6 said:
Try deleting the device from activesync while device is disconnected and then adding it again by reconnecting.
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Get rid of ActiveSync ASAP else you will regret
getting rid of active sync is fine, but the alternate solution? how else do i sync all my info? do u have any good programs for that? can u upload here

pocket outlook send/receive

I'm having an issue with outlook send/receive
I setup my pocket outlook to sync my gmail imap account and set it up to sync every 5 min.
Thing is it's so inconsistent, sometimes it's sends/receives with no issues. after about a day it will do it every 30 min most of the time after that it won't unless i do a few reboots/soft resets.
I would love to have push e-mail maybe that would fix the issue, but I'd be happy if the F'ing MS software would actually do what's it told for once!!!!!
I'd be happy with send/receive every 5 mins, but at least make it consistent.
Am I doing something wrong?? Has anyone exp this issue?
If so how did you fix it?
How do you get your mail?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
aciampoli said:
I'm having an issue with outlook send/receive
I setup my pocket outlook to sync my gmail imap account and set it up to sync every 5 min.
Thing is it's so inconsistent, sometimes it's sends/receives with no issues. after about a day it will do it every 30 min most of the time after that it won't unless i do a few reboots/soft resets.
I would love to have push e-mail maybe that would fix the issue, but I'd be happy if the F'ing MS software would actually do what's it told for once!!!!!
I'd be happy with send/receive every 5 mins, but at least make it consistent.
Am I doing something wrong?? Has anyone exp this issue?
If so how did you fix it?
How do you get your mail?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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www.win.alol.net.br go there and get a free exchange service(pushmail) forward your gmail to Alol. You will never regret it. Sync ever 5 minutes cost alot of battery and data. Beside mostly it doesnt function (as you said)
Yip thats one way.
Two others would be to 1 use live mail (microsoft) that works well, or 2 use a pop3 mail account. I use all 3 (push email too) and all work well for me
I heard some peeps have probs with gmail....
Good luck.
Thanks for the replies guys....
I really would love MS to make a complete product for once..
Is it really that hard?
Apple, Google, Palm, Nokia all make reliable stuff why can't MS??
I really don't wanna use some third party app or forward my e-mail to another service I just want it to work...
Maybe I'm asking too much out of WiMo all I know is that I've had it, I really miss my TREO!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway I will continue my search and post back if I find anything.
If anyone else has any input please let me know.
Thx again for you input it's appreciated

