After Stand-By Omapclock reset standard frequency:HELP!! - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 Software Upgrading

I use Omapclock+MemMaid 1.6 for overclock (240Mhz) my Jamin,but
after StandBy the frequency return on standard value(180Mhz)!!
You can Help me??
Tank You

When you added the file to the "notification queue" did you put "the device woke up" in the "event" box? Though personally I would just use smartskey and set the speed in the ini file.

make sure your not running omapclock.exe of memory card, copy to windows and point all shortcuts to this.
Solved it for me.

I put Omapclock.exe in /windows and omaplock.lnk (frequency240Mhz) in /windows/startup but after standby the frequency return to 180Mhz and the link in notification queue there's not!!!
I follow this procedure:
1.) Copy the program to anywhere you like
(e.g. Program Files\OmapClock.exe) In Pocket PC
2.) Copy the file and paste shortcut to anywhere you like
(e.g. Windows\start menu\OmapClock) In Pocket PC (Must use shortcut)
3.) Connect your computer with ActiveSync, copy the shorcut file that store in Pocket PC to your computer.
4.) Use the Window XP software, "Notepad" to open the shortcut file >
Change the content to "\Program Files\OmapClock\OmapClock.exe" -clock 216 (Attention :-clock 216 means the speed of overclock is 216. Suggust you use 264 or below.)
5.) After make change the shortcut file, copy this file from computer to replace that shortcut file in the PDA.
6.) Open MemMaid program, select "Notification Queue"
(Second Icon that from left to right)
7.) click "Add" and select Program choose the shortcut file > select Event and choose "The device woke up" and click "Add"
8.) Select "Start Up Program" (Forth Icon that from left to right)
9.) click "Add", find the shortcut file.
10.) Close MemMaid 1.5 program and soft reset.
The problem is that the link in notification queue after standby are delete!

How 'bout if you go to the \Windows\startup folder, how many omapclock shortcut entries are there? seems to me you would be creating 2 if you first put in a shortcut manually and afterwards put another one in with memmaid, after you edit the shortcut and place it in the startup folder you should use memmaid only to set it to run "When the device woke up", as far as I remember you don't need to add another startup shortcut. I could be wrong. Try it out and post back, you seem to be doing everything correctly except for that, so let's hope it is only that and that you'll get it to work. Good luck!

masr1979 said:
How 'bout if you go to the \Windows\startup folder, how many omapclock shortcut entries are there? seems to me you would be creating 2 if you first put in a shortcut manually and afterwards put another one in with memmaid, after you edit the shortcut and place it in the startup folder you should use memmaid only to set it to run "When the device woke up", as far as I remember you don't need to add another startup shortcut. I could be wrong. Try it out and post back, you seem to be doing everything correctly except for that, so let's hope it is only that and that you'll get it to work. Good luck!
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I have only one shortcut in MemMaid StartPrograms!
I have also try to locate shortcut in /windows,but the problem is the same:

Well I've got two suggestions. 1- Delete all shortcuts, soft-reset your device, and repeat the process. Only this time place the shortcut in the \Windows\startup folder manually and only use memmaid to set it to "when de device woke up", soft-reset and verify. 2- download smartkey from place smartskey.exe and smartskey.ini in the same folder as you put omapclock.exe, before you do that though, you need to open up smartskey.ini with notepad and edit it. I'm not 100% sure smartskey is compatible with the prophet, but I don't see why not, read thru the thread a bit to make sure in any case, here is the part you need to edit
; set OMAPCLOCK to the clock if you want to use omapclock and automatically
; set the clock speed after wakeup, you should put OmapClock.exe in the same
; directory of smartskey.exe
OMAPCLOCK=264 <------ Put your speed here and delete the semicolon ( ; ) hamleto, and of course delete this little line
Well again good luck, I'm at my wits end, but let me know if it worked out for you. Later!

How to check the o/c speed
How to check the speed after o/c? I check on setting the speed still same.

I Have some problem, do you have a omapclock .
I put another rom ... go to 180 MHZ ...
My Phone is Opal , sorry if write here
Nuno Rodrigues


Remving obselete Today program entries

I have an obselete today program entry that is left over from an old program, does anyone know how to remove it. I cannot remove it from the list of programs displayed in Today by taking out the tick from the menu list as when I try to remove the tick I get a message saying "start menu - unable to move that item"
Any ideas please?
Sorry, I'm a newbie to mobiles, how do I get at the plugins, the entry doesn't show in the list of installed programs
This is usually what I do as a newbie. Re-install the OLD application related to the Today Plug-In that was left lingering in your Today Screen. This time you can UNINSTALL it correctly by UNTICKING the box for the plug-in found at Start>Settings>Today>Plug-in. After doing this, you can now safely UNINSTALL the application and hopefully the plug-in won't be left behind.
this was the part you should read
"Otherwise get a registry editor and delete the relevant key under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\[item name]"
you get to it by using a registry editor like total commander
I don't appear to have a 'plugins' tab in Start>Settings>Today>. So I guess I am going to have to go down the registry editing route, but this worries me somewhat in case it goes pear shaped
'plugins' should be 'items' not 'plugins''s
Thanks for the correction, the entry concerned does not show in the items list
then i have absolutely no idea what you are asking
in today->items
all today items shown on the today screen should be located
unless it's not a true today item and is a program which is started from
and if you mean icons in programs
or shortcuts to programs in programs in a launcher you can
1 remove the icon from programs in windows\startmenu\programs\
and if it's in a launcher today item you have to use the functionality of that launcher
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
leswaller said:
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
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You need to connect your phone through activesync. Then go into windows > Programs and delete the program icon in there. Once you do that, it will not show up on the start drop down list.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I was unable to get at it except by file explorer/windows/startmenu, but deleting the file in there did the trick. The problem was that the icon remained even after the program was uninstalled. Problem now solved... thanks to all your help
leswaller said:
When I tap Start the icon appears in the list of things like calendar and call register, but it is an empty icon that just displays an empty box and the name 'copilot'. If I then go to start, settings, menus I can again see it in the list of programs in the start menu, but it wont let me remove the tick to take it out of the list.I just get a message saying 'unable to move that item'
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maevro said:
You need to connect your phone through activesync. Then go into windows > Programs and delete the program icon in there. Once you do that, it will not show up on the start drop down list.
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Actually, maevro has the right idea, but he gave you the wrong direction to follow. I hope you don't mind if I correct it a little bit.
OK, I assume you already UNINSTALLED this said application a long time ago, right? What happened was an icon was left at these 2 locations:
1) Windows>Start Menu>Programs>(or it could have created its own folder)
2) Windows>Start Menu
Let me explain it as simply as I can. All icons you see in Windows>Start Menu will appear avery time you PRESS/TAP the START windows icon/button. It has a maximum limit (on my device) of 7 applications to show. You can control what is in there using START>SETTINGS>MENU application, BUT since there is also another icon present probably in Windows>Start Menu>Programs it won't let you move it out of that folder.
Delete the said icons on the folowing locations:
1) Windows>Start Menu>Programs>(or it could have created its own folder)
2) Windows>Start Menu
Don't worry if you can't find the icon in list number 1. You can manually delete it using a powerful file manager like RESCO EXPLORER (not free) or TOTAL COMMANDER (free) or use what maevro suggested and attach it via USB and use active sync.
I hope this helps.
leswaller said:
Thanks for all the suggestions, I was unable to get at it except by file explorer/windows/startmenu, but deleting the file in there did the trick. The problem was that the icon remained even after the program was uninstalled. Problem now solved... thanks to all your help
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ooooppps forget my other post then....

Iphone Toturial

1. Windows XP
2. WinRAR
3. Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 ...
Now, download my iP***ne Mod Pack from Here.
Now This is Where it Begins
A. The Today Screen
1. Start by removing everything from your home screen.
*Remove everything from your Today Screen
2. Copy iPhone3B\Skin\Today Theme\black.tsk to your My Documents folder on your phone.
3. Go to Settings>Personal>Today and apply the theme.
B. Installing TxtMan
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\TxtMan\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. Navigate to the Windows\Startup directory on your phone and delete the “”
C. Installing Slide2Unlock
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\Slide2Unlock\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. After software is installed, go to: iPhone3B\Programs\Slide2Unlock\Slide2Unlock Patch\ on your PC and copy slide.exe to: \Program Files\Slide2Unlock on your PDA replacing the old file.
D. Installing the .NET Framework
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\NetFramework\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. You must restart your device to complete the installation. Hit ok.
E. Installing Google Maps
1. Use your built in web browser, Internet Explorer, to navigate to:
2. Select “Download Google Maps”
3. Select “Open File after Download”
F: Installing Weather Watcher
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\WeatherWatcher\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
G. Installing rLToday
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Skin\rlToday\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. Now there is an iPhone folder on the rlToday directory. Copy the entire folder to: YourPhone\Program Files\rlToday\Themes
5. rlToday should now be on the home screen. Click and hold on the home screen until an “Option” button appears. Click on it.
6. Select iPhone as your skin.
7. Select Applications Tab and delete all current applications that are there.
G. Installing Wisbar Advance 2
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Skin\Wisbar Advance 2\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. Copy the the included theme (entire folder) from: iPhone\Skin\Wisbar Advance 2\iPhone to the Wisbar themes folder in: \Program Files\Lakeridge\Wisbar Advance\
5. Go to Start>Programs>Wisbar Advance and open up the settings. Apply the theme and exit out of the settings manager.
H. Installing iContacts (The Flick-to-Scroll Contacts)
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\iContacts\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
*Note: This only works with contacts on your phone. So if you have any contacts on your sim, move them to your phone.
I. Revoming the Toggle Keys
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Skin\VJToggleToday\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. Do a soft reset to see results.
J. Removing the System Tray
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Programs\TrayDisplay\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. Click on Start Menu and Choose Hide Tray.
K. Installing the Dialer
1. The cab is located in: iPhone3B\Skin\Dialpad\
2. Drag the Cab into the “My Documents” folder on your phone using sync software.
3. Navigate to the cab on your phone and install it onto your phone by clicking on it.
4. You must restart your device to complete the installation. Hit ok.
L. Customizing the Home Screen
1. On your Today Screem, click and hold on the home screen until an “Option” button appears. Click on it.
2. Select Applications Tab.
3. Now, create a new set of applications in the exact order as the following:
*Note: Don’t type this in, navigate and select the files.
Program: \Program Files\TxtMan\TxtMan.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\blank.png,
* Photos
Program: \Windows\pimg.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\l_photo.png
* Camera
Program: \Windows\Camera.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_cam.png
* Calculator
Program: \Program Files\gCalc\gCalc.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_cal.png
* Finder
Program: \Windows\fexplore.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_finder.png
* Maps
Program: \Program Files\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\
* Weather
Program: \Program Files\Weather Watcher\WeatherWatcher.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\
* Lock
Program: \Program Files\Slide2Unlock\slide.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\
* Word
Program: \Windows\pword.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\
* Excel
Program: \Windows\pxl.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\
* Phone
Program: \Program Files\iContacts\iContacts.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\blank.png
* Mail
Program: \Windows\tmail.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_mail.png
* Navigator
Program: \Windows\iexplore.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_navi.png
* Media
Program: \Windows\wmplayer.exe
Icon: \Program Files\rlToday\Themes\iPhone\rl_ipod.png
M. Windows Media Player iPod Skin
1. Navigate to: iPhone\Skin\WMPlayer\uPod
2. Copy all files to: \Program Files\Windows Media Player\ on your phone.
3. Open Windows Media Player and goto options
4. Choose Skins TAB.
5. Windows Media Player will automatically search for skins. Choose the iPod one.
N. The Final Tweak
1. Goto: iPhone3B\Skin\Background\
2. Copy tdywater_240_320.gif to: \Windows\
3. Confirm replace file
*Note: To see the Windows folder in your activesync explorer, you need to click choose View>Show All Files
no dl link :-(
can we have some pics?
icezar said:
no dl link :-(
can we have some pics?
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You will find plenty of pics in the ORIGINAL articles which he has stolen, cut & pasted and now claimed as his own.
sry i dont have any pics put i put it on mine it worked has everything
no my friend gave this to me i just posted it
cujo316 said:
no my friend gave this to me i just posted it
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Yes and you didn't even manage to do THAT right since you didnt include the IPHONE mod pack thats needed.
To anyone that actually wants to TRY this, the article I posted has links to all the software as well as two methods you can use to accomplish it including one method that doesn't required that you use PIRATED software to accomplish it.
famewolf said:
Yes and you didn't even manage to do THAT right since you didnt include the IPHONE mod pack thats needed.
To anyone that actually wants to TRY this, the article I posted has links to all the software as well as two methods you can use to accomplish it including one method that doesn't required that you use PIRATED software to accomplish it.
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fllllllllllllllllamed lol
Thanks Cujo, you rock man! (just kidding...)
How do you do it again?
how do you do what
I dont think he's realized he totally ripped someone's work off... =P
cujo316 needs to be banned or at least banned from posting for a couple of months so he can read up, learn some things, and quit being an idiotic thief.
I'm being serious though, he honestly hasn't realized it.
I was being sarcastic. It's pretty simple. If you're on this forum, you aren't here by accident. And you're other places as well. I'm suprised someone else hasn't tried to take credit for the iMDA.
If you're going to steal the work, at least get the topic spelling correct. Jeez.
I got this running the hard nice.
I ran into one issue. my mail works, but I can no longer tell which account I am in. it used to put the mailbox name in the title menu, and now it show "inbox" no matter what account I am in.
does anyone know how to fix that?
Maybe it's a nice idea to implement all these steps into a pre-cooked ROM? Anybody who can do this with a clean WM6-rom for example?
Maartuhh said:
Maybe it's a nice idea to implement all these steps into a pre-cooked ROM? Anybody who can do this with a clean WM6-rom for example?
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that would be
trying now, it says i should have a my midlet folder under my documents but i dont have such a folder. hmm
cool keep us updated
wow. thats a lot of work. my rom is pretty slow coz it has a memory leak and so i thought I would try this on before i reflashed the phone to a different rom. it takes me on average, 25 to 40 seconds to access my windows folder. setting up the applications was a pain. is there any way someone could make a cab file or an installer of this? it would make everyones life a loooot easier. excellent mod though. who needs an iPhone? the wizard rocks!!!
slod said:
I'm being serious though, he honestly hasn't realized it.
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yeah the fact he said he got the post from his friend and he just cut and pasted it here. Really shows he didnt realize it. Maybe you just didnt realize it?

How to add FLVPlayer.exe in default program list

I have the above program FLVPlayer.exe with some *.flv files.
*.flv files now is defaulted to open with windows media player in the properties.
I need to change the default program to open *.flv to FLVPlayer.exe. However this program is not listed in the Default Program List. I have been trying for the past 5 hours how to get this done.
When trying to set default program to run *.flv, since FLVPlayer.exe is not inside the Default Program list, I go manually browse to the FLVPlayer location. But when I selected the file from this location, Windows does not seems to pick it up.
I need to know what is the trick to add any .exe program into Default Program list.
Can anyone help me out..
you need to tap and hold on the .exe file and select copy
then go to windows/startmenu/programs
and the click on the right soft key (should say EDIT)
then tap paste shortcut
then tap and hold the shortcut and tap rename then rename to desired name then you should now see it listed alphabtically i the start > programs path
Hi JayJay,
Thanks for your quick reply. I already have the file in my Start > Program Path.
What I am not able to do is to set *.flv file to automatically open up with Flvplayer. Fyi, I am using Windows Vista and how i am doing it is via
Control Panel>Default Program > Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
My problem is i am not able to get the FLVplayer.exe into the Default Program list from which I can select the .exe for file association.
When I go to Control Panel> Default Program > Set Default Program, Vista will do search, but somehow it cannot find the .exe .
I tried following your suggestion to drop the .exe into control panel > Default program, but when i do OPEN the folder, I cannot paste the .exe in.
Appreciate if you have any more suggestion.
it may be program wont allow thid, maybe if you cinract the reator theg can help
Adobe Media Player
I had Adobe's media player installed and that played FLV files pretty well. It's on their website.

Help removing a program

I know at least one of you have installed a program before on your Smartphone that wasn't able to be found in the "Remove Programs" option under settings.
I'm havin' this problem with a program called "TopOCR-Mobile LE."
It was an .exe file that had to be installed on the device. So I did, and now I can't seem to remove it. I deleted the .exe under program files, but the blank icons still remain (there's two of them 'cause I thought I could be smart and run the .exe twice and it'd ask if I would want to remove the program; it didn't - instead it just installed it TWICE).
Is there a way to remove those icons? I already used Regedit's and Total Commander's search features, but I couldn't find any files with the name "topocr" or "mtopocr" (it's installation name).
What are my options (besides throwing my Kaiser against the wall or hard resetting)?
Where exactly do you see those blank icons that you are talking about
programs icons are located in
\windows\start menu\programs
it it's a program which auto start then

Copy/Paste Application

first time posting So forgive any silly questions or any repeated ones.
But my question is this:
I got my mom's old HTC Touch HD. I have copied and pasted some applications from the storage card and then did a hard reset. I then copied some applications back to my program files:
*) closeApps, clear temp, etc.
*) Resco Brain Games
*) HD Tweak
Now these programs actually work if I go through the file explorer. But I would like to 'add' these application to the start menu shortcuts. But they do not show up on the 'all programs'. And I understand the concept of it. similar to when you 'install' something on your computer as opposed to simply unzip something and run it. I believe it has something to do with registry entries or rather lack thereof.
So... How do I get these applications to show up on 'All programs' or at the very least on the 'shortcut' menu (when you click the start button).
let me know if i have not been very clear.
2 ways.
1) Find the cab and just run install them. Most of what you listed is freeware.
2a) Find the program's exe in \Program Files\
2b) "Right click" and choose Copy
2c) Browse to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
2d) "Right click" and choose Paste Shortcut.
2e) Rename the shortcut.

