Rom upgrade problems, HELP Please. - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 Software Upgrading

I was in the middle of a rom upgrade with my magician and the battery has died now after trying to reupgrade with the original imate rom, it gives me a country code error. When I use get device data and view the devicedata.txt file all I get is 2 little squares where there was the operator ID. How can I reinstall the original rom from Imate and have it overwrite the operator ID on the device so I will except the upgrade. I have tried this via SD and with the original upgrade but with no luck. Help is really need please. I know this can be done I just aint sure how to go about doing it. It happen to be with my Qtek 2020 when upgrading to the 2.20 CHS version it changed from Qtek to o2.


GetDeviceData output from a S100 wanted

Dear fellows,
I am still at a dead point (my S100 is screwed and the OS is gone!)
I have seen several methods listed here to reflash the OS but most of them require the GetDeviceData output file to modify the original ROMs. Unfortunately I can't run anything on my PDA... It would be a great help if a kind S100 owner would run the GetDeviceData on his handset and post the output file for me. Do not worry, it doesn't hold any sensitive data. Just device model details. Any S100 device, any language... would suffice.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Silver. least the Operator for QTEK...
C'mon guys... help me.
Here ya go...
Operator ID: DANGA001
Qtek S100 bought at Dangaard Norway.
...but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe an Italian PDA would be required.
I am afraid I have to send the PDA back to the service...
Maybe you can try the following:
- Set your Qtek in Bootloader mode
- Connect it to your pc
- Start the update program of the Qtek ROM 1.06
- The installer will not find any version of your current ROM because it is in bootloader mode, but it will allow to update it
- flashing...
- done
Hopefully it'll work for you.
And I will test it further, but this looks like the way to update the ROM without editing the ROM files...
The other alternative that worked for me:
I have a Dopod 818 ROM which I screwed up. I can't therefore read its country code with GetDeviceData.
I used the following to flash the i-mate ROM:
Then I upgraded with qtek 1.06 successfully.

fragged my mda_c with official update

Hi all,
yesterday, i thought it's a nice day to do the official german t-mobile 1.12 upgrade on my official german t-mobile mdac. It wasn't.
After the upgrade (no errors) the bootscreen shows:
no gsm, and only one Version number: 1.12.01 Ger
on the bottom line.
After it bootet, i get no gsm and no bluetooth working. When i connect by usb, active sync hangs for about 3-5 minutes. If i try to repeat the upgrade, i get something like wrong device, and it shows empty fields on the version screen. I tried to do the update by extracting the official update rar and start the update by MaUpgradeUT_noID.exe, but it says something like wrong device.
I tried this to the same with the 1.13 upgrade from the xda ftp, same thing. I tried a rombackup from sd-card that i found somewhere on the net, but the bootloader says wrong section=1 not allowed.
Is there anybody wo could help me to resurrect my poor little mdac?
Thanks alot,
Hi J.
Don't know how to solve all your problems with upgrading, but did you copy the first bytes of your own romdump to the downloaded rom? Otherwise your device won't accept it, you can find a lott about this in other threads. try searching for BigStorage and you will everything about rom upgrades.
Good luck, M
Upgrade your device with the imate rom 1.12 wwe using MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe ,it should work ,then try to upgrade to the german rom upgrade.
Good luck
ongoing revival
Ok, i tried that big storage thing, i replaced the id in the new image from my backup (broken) rom, and when trying to upgrade from sd-card, i get Section = 1 not allowed update.
I'm trying to upgrade the radio stack from the bootloader screen with MaUpgradeUT.exe, but it seems that the usb port doesn't work: for 10 minutes, the update screen stands at 0%, then an error appears:
Radio Rom Update Error.. i should reset, reconnect and retry.
Any more ideas? Is there a possiblity to do the normal "online" update (not via bootlaoder/backup-image) just from sdcard?
Please Help
Last night I did a BigStorage in a very easy way. I followed the description in the thread about upgrading to radio 1.13. You'll have to unzip the shipped rom, decode nk.nbf it with dnbf. Then you replace the usual bit pattern and encode nk.nb1 again. After that you can use maupgrade with or without the noid function like a regular apgrade.
Hope it helps you, M

Problem with rollback to original TMO-ROM

Hey guys,
I tried the WWE-ROM with BigStorage now, but I just want to go back to the original TMO Germany ROM, cuz I don't have big advantages of it but I lose my warranty...
Now my Problem:
Upgrading to WWE was just easy as described in the Procedure.doc on the ftp. But what do I have to do to get the original ROM back?
I saved it as a German.nb1. D I have to use ntrw write German.nb1 h: ? (h: is my sd-card-slot)
That way it doesnt work, the Bootloader doesnt even recognize the ROM. When I backup my WWE-ROM to the SD-card and the use that ntrw command from above, the ROM is recognized, but after having updated it, I can't bot anymore.
Hope anybody can help
greetz Stefan
Shipped rom?
Hi Stefan,
Seems like there's something wrong with your original rom-dump. Had it myself & it's a pain in the ***. Why not download the original German TMO shipped-rom & try it with the normal usb upgrade method?
Since your magician won't boot the software will probably tell you're upgrading from version blank, but that's no problem it will work. just put it into bootloader, connect usb & start the update program.
Success, M
seems to work, I'm just upgrading it, just had to put it in bootloader-mode again and start the update-utility from
will report if it really worked later on
Hi! you would do me a great favour by putting the rom on the ftp! i would really need it!
are you from germany or from austria?
I don't need to upload it, its not even the most recent version (my original ROM was never, but I didn't find the original from TMO in a newer version :-( )
Just download it from, I'm from Germany anyway...
greetz Stefan

2125 -> QTek ROM -> ERROR [296]: UPGRADE ONLY

I own a SPV C600 (Dutch). Because of the tight security of the latest Dutch ROM for the C600 I flashed it with the latest QTek 8310.
Now I've tried the latest Cingular ROM for the 2125.
Because the Cingular ROM only supports the English language I want to change it back to the QTek ROM again.
But no matter what I do it keeps saying :
This NBF file cannot be used for your Smartphone. Please get newer NBF file.
I did raise the number on the image version, removed the Operator field. Also tried to make al the fields exactly like it shows on the "update screen" before flashing.
Anybody able to help me out here?
Common, where are al those smart people
Posted this als on SPV-Developers, seems like I'm the only one with this problem Now I'm stuck with an English C600
i had a similar problem with an englsh c600 spent ages sorting it, what i did is sent the header with a matching operator id. then i changed every number up by one in both version numbers. this didnt work but then when i only changed the second digit in the first version number by one again the rom loaded.
ie > >
i suggest just persist with it. otherwise use spv services to unlock your cid then you can load what you want on your phone.
Thanks for your reply!
I'm using the latest Qtek 8300 ROM now. I don't know if it's the best. But at least it's unlocked

back to original O2 Rom

after i read a lot here i m not sure ift its possible at the end.I solved my Problem with the bootloader stuck.thx again.I need to send my device to O2 for garuantee repair.Therfore i wanted to install the latest O2 Rom on my G4.
I cant install it cuz it tells only update-> so 3 ways
1.downgrade ipl/spl doesnt seems to work
also dangerous
2 i only flashed the os with a tool without spl/ipl but loading pic still qtek and no o2 extended rom installed...
3unlocking the cid for G4 doesnt work 2 with lokiwiz3.a
HAve you guys any idea how i can restore my garuantee?i need to make my G4 looking untouched...
Hy i have the same problem i tried more romupdates, and i can't update again main old O2 XDA NEO rom, if you know any abaut please send me an email [email protected]
may be someone could pass you the o2 splash screen here

