How to remove the Extended ROM? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 Software Upgrading

The OS requires appr. 34MByte. The Extended ROM about 22MByte and Storage space is only 8MByte.
Did someone already find out how to REMOVE the extended ROM. It's just 22MByte of useless storage space now. Once the apps in it are installed about 40% of the available flash space is just sitting there.
It would be great to have 30MByte of Storage space and keep a copy of the Extended ROM applications on a SD Card, so you still have them if you would ever need a hard reset.
In most ROM versions (WWE) the complete 22MByte is not even used. HTC just designed it to fit all Extended ROM versions.
So, if somebody finds out how to remove the Extended ROM and replace it with Storage space. That would be great.
MDA T-Compact ( flashed to WWE English version.

Some way to save you memory in oyur XDA mini
1. First, Backup your XDA mini
2. Do a Hard-Reset and wait until it goes to the "Today" screen
3. And then there is message will tell you that,it will start installing the Extended Rom in 3 seconds.
4. At this moment DON'T let the installation run.And Do a Soft-Reset immediately~!~!
5. After you do this Soft-Reset,you can go to check your "Memory" and You can also see a "Extended_ROM" in your "File Explorer"
6. But You can't modify the file in "Extended_ROM" folder you can only choose something that you want and install back into your XDA mini.

Hi is it possibel to resize the ext_rom???
it's right now about 20 MB and olny 10 mb are used.
Does anybody know a tool to resize it ???


Large program memory?

Is there a hack for 'large program memory, rather than 'big storage'? Or is it the same thing?
Thanks for any advice, M
Program memory and storage memory is shared- BigStorage releases the previously unusable storage, therefore increasing program and storage memory.
Just use the slider to dedicate more memory to programs...although this auto adjusts itself as and when required.
Thanks that makes BIG storage worth trying. For now I got a only around 35 MB free, with all apps in storage folder and sd-card. Trying to move even more executables from ram to storage or sd. Works fine uptill now.
Sincerely, M
Try memmaid as well to move dlls and executables from \windows\ to storage.
Will give a try, but apps like album and camera (both approximately 500K) saved me a lot of ram. I noticed that the default album and camera are in rom, so don't take any ram, though visibke in windiws folder.
Gr. M
BIG-storage try didn't work out. After the flash back of the changed (MKS method) rom, the device stays black and will only go into bootloader. This last saved my device I guess. I tried a restore with the original 1.13 shipped rom and got the device back. Unfortunately I lost my storage folder in this and ext-rom still exists. Is there a way to get the storage folder back? Even with ext-rom is acceptable.
Thnx byba very sad M.
Boot loader magician
OLTP, I had the same problem (only boot loader working and after reinstalling 113 storage gone ), I simply tried reinstalling again and got storage back. I also did a soft reset immediately after first boot after reinstalling 113, so before the programs in extended rom would install. This freed about 25MB working memory although extended rom is still -of course- not editable. I only installed the camera and ended up with a lean magician, and no GPRS bug.
Thnx Mozart,
Will give it another try. I think you mean you installed twice the 1.13 shipped rom? Cause I tried the SD flas twice with no result, a very dead and empty magician. I did do the soft-reset before the ext-rom would autoexec and that didn't help.
So olpnly question now is, did you do the SD flash twice or the upgrade with shipped 1.13 after the failed SD flash.
Thnx in advance, M
Ps. glad I am not the only one with this problem.
I tried the SD-method 3 times, then gave up, and then reinstalled T-Mobiles latest (1.13) rom. I had to use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe to do this, by the way...., because the SD-flash had ruined the ID of my magician. It is still ruined, but at least my magician is alive and well.
Too bad, I tried the shipped rom for the third time now and still no storage. For the rest my magician is OK. Did not have to use the noid upgrade patch or anything like it. Though the shipped rom claims the device is empty. When I find a decent extracted rom I will try again.
Sincerely, M

Format ROM memory

Hi all,
I'm french, so excuse my bad englsih.
I had a Pocket PC on Windows Mobile 2003 First Edition and i backup my system to my ROM memory. After a new ROM installation (Windows 2003 Second Edition), i can't see this backup file in ROM, and now i have only 1Mo in ROM Memory.
How can i erase the old backup file ? Total Commander & Co can't see the file also...
Thanks a lot for you help !
Please specify exactly what device do you have.
(I am not familiar with devices that got upgraded from 2003 to 2003SE)
The reason you cant see your backup is because its gone. When you reflash your device (upgrade the ROM) the File Store (where you save stuff you don't want deleted during hard reset) is also formatted. The reason you only have 1 MB storage left could be one of two things:
A) The new ROM takes more space.
B) Something went wrong during the upgrade and the ROM was not properly partitioned.
There is no way to recover this data. It is recommended that you backup important stuff to SD card or your PC (ActiveSync has a backup function).
I have a PDA, a "Yakumo Alpha GPS" (equal to "Acer N35").
Yesterday, I installed wrong ROM to try to free ROM Storage, and the install have been down. So, I reinstall Windows Moblie Seconde Edition, and now my ROM Storage is 0.2 MO. (
So, yes, I think that an installation was down one week ago, and that's why i had less ROM Storage.
PLease, tell me it's possible to recover my ROM Storage...
Hi beber49!
I am not sure of the details, but I can point you in the right direction and after some searching you should have the solution:
Find a device with the original ROM, there are instructions in the wiki on how to backup ROM to SD then restore. I think if you manage to reflash your device with the original ROM you might get your storage back.
But be careful: If the reflash is not done properly, you may loose all of the free storage or even kill the device.
Sorry, that's all I have. Hope someone gives you a better idea!
i tryed that but no way to see these file...

Roms, hard resets and windows mobile.

Hi, I'm looking for more info on how the memory is partitioned between storage and programs. I don't quite understand how a hard reset is equivalent to a reinstall, and how it works.
Is there a site or book with more information on this? Any help or pointer would be greatly appreciated!
a pocketpc have ram and rom
rom is read only memory
the os is located in rom
and storage and application memory is in ram
how much you want to have free for application ram
and how much you want to use as storage is up to you using the memory slider
a hardreset or too long without batt
clear the ram leaving the os which is in rom
as the only thing on the pocketpc
which is why it's the same thing as a reinstall
because all the stuff you put on it are gon
leaving what the maker of the device put in the rom
but with 2005 things have changed a bit
here some of the flash rom is used for storage
and all ram is used for application memory
(though buzz and the lads made it so some of the ram can be used for stroage on older HTC devices which otherwise only have 32MB)
here a hardreset dont mean a reinstall
if you want to clear the device to default you have to format
the storage from inside the bootloader
I think what he meant is the one shown in "Settings"->"Memory"->"Main"
Think of the "Storage" as the hardisk of your PC and "Program" as the RAM of your PC. For WM5, when you soft reset your unit, the "Program" memory will be cleared off and program will be loaded again into this "Program" memory.
As for the "Storage", it is the `hardisk` where you have your OS installed. The OS is kept in the ROM (which I don't think is part of the "Storage"), and it is installed into your "Storage" everytime you perform a hard reset. (e.g. the "Storage" will be wipe clearn upon a hard reset). Anything that you do, e.g. edit file, add contact, etc. will be recorded/saved into this "Storage".
Thanks for the replies. So what I see when I browse the device, including the 'windows' folder, that's a copy of the operating system, and the original master copy is in the ROM?
So theoretically, I could go and delete the whole windows folder, perform a hard reset, and everything would be fine?
Has anyone already tried to see what could be reasonnably removed from the windows folder in order save 'storage' space?
no whats in the windows dir is the os which is stored in the rom
you cant remove things in the rom
no whats in the windows dir is the os which is stored in the rom
you cant remove things in the rom
I'll reply to my own question in order to close this thread and make it useful to others:
(from pocketpcdubai)
The Universal comes with 128MB ROM and 64MB RAM as compared to its predecessors who had the exact opposite.
The 128MB ROM is divided into 2 parts:
1) OS + Extended ROM (around 84MB)
2) Storage (remaining 43.5MB as shown above
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And this:

storage problem. help pls

i upgraded my himalaya with wm5 helmis rom. my problem is its storage capacity. it only has 14 mb of storage. how am i going to extend its storage. is there any procedure for doing this? thanks.
or use another rom with more storage
i have the exact problem...16MB storage...always have 0.6MB free...can't install software...
tried to reduce the RAMDISK to 32 MB, program is increased, storage the same...
storage cant be inc it's flashrom and cant use the normal ram
but one can just install programs on RAMDISK it's faster then normal storage anyway it being ram (well ½ of it) and storage is flash
Use HIMA_DOC_TOOL v1.0 to increase the storage from 15 MB to 30 MB. Search the forum.
Thanks c_shekhar for your response. I searched around the forum, seems this extrom unlock has been discussed for years.
for my understand, need to run the ExtROM Tools to unhide/unlock extrom, then run the Hima_DOC_Tool_1.0 to merge storage and extrom. Now here is the question, I unhide the extrom successfully, can see it for 15.97MB, however the unlock does not work, it has the "blue square" icon and fails "Either it is not signed with a trustred certificate, or one of its components cannot be found".
Not sure this is a corrupted package or something missing from my ROM, the .rar opens fine, but the winrar reports .cab file is corrupted when trying to open it.
My ROM is 3.50c.40CS version...appreciate for your time to help!
Excellent, found the solution from buzz forum...i installed the unlocker to SD card that is why it faied...after re-installing to DEVICE, it works!!! got 30.5MB storage, very happy. Thanks guys.

[Q] After rooting and installing custom firmware, hardly internal memory on P5110

Hey there,
I finally got the courage to root my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P5110).
All went well. Put Odin3-v1.85_3 on it and shakatu_recovery-clockwork-unofficial-
After rooting i installed (as decribed on the webpage) a custom firwmare: cm-10.1-20130409-NIGHTLY-p5110
Everything works smooth and easy and fast (!), way faster than the stock firmware on it.
BUT: what happened to my internal memory? I only have a few apps installed (should be around 3 Gb), the same apps when i had stock firmware, but when i tried to install a game, it surprised my i had hardly any internal memory left!!!
When i go into settings and go to storage, the device calculates how much free space i got left. It shows me i have around 600 Mb left. Graphically it first shows it's almost full (grey bar), but later after indexing it shows the correct amount of free space. But the text underneath it remains around 600 Mb.
When i go into a file explorer and give it superuser rights, i can go to upper levels of the internal storage and there are loads of folders there. It seems it has something to do with the rooting or the stock firmware (backup or something)??
How can i clear more internal memory? Should I do some sort of wipe again in Clockwork Recovery??
Thanks for reply!
BTW: swapping internal and microsd card memory is not an option for me.
Below i wanted to put photos what my device shows, but i'm not allowed to do so since i'm a newbie....
robbieking said:
Hey there,
I finally got the courage to root my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (P5110).
All went well. Put Odin3-v1.85_3 on it and shakatu_recovery-clockwork-unofficial-
After rooting i installed (as decribed on the webpage) a custom firwmare: cm-10.1-20130409-NIGHTLY-p5110
Everything works smooth and easy and fast (!), way faster than the stock firmware on it.
BUT: what happened to my internal memory? I only have a few apps installed (should be around 3 Gb), the same apps when i had stock firmware, but when i tried to install a game, it surprised my i had hardly any internal memory left!!!
When i go into settings and go to storage, the device calculates how much free space i got left. It shows me i have around 600 Mb left. Graphically it first shows it's almost full (grey bar), but later after indexing it shows the correct amount of free space. But the text underneath it remains around 600 Mb.
When i go into a file explorer and give it superuser rights, i can go to upper levels of the internal storage and there are loads of folders there. It seems it has something to do with the rooting or the stock firmware (backup or something)??
How can i clear more internal memory? Should I do some sort of wipe again in Clockwork Recovery??
Thanks for reply!
BTW: swapping internal and microsd card memory is not an option for me.
Below i wanted to put photos what my device shows, but i'm not allowed to do so since i'm a newbie....
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robbieking said:
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i had the same problem!
but you will have to be on the stock rom, that is the original rom for your tab. Connect your tab on mass storage mode. Go to my computer, and format your tab from there. remember to make a backup of every thing. U will then have a full 12 gb free storage.
plz press thanks
You probably still have a lot of the junk from the stock rom on the internal sd along with the data from your new rom. If you have the rom file you flashed on your external sd card. You can boot into recovery and format /sdcard to nuke almost everything. You'll have to stay in recovery after this is done and reflash the CM rom and install the apps you want from scratch to get the maximum amount of free space.
CodyF86 said:
You probably still have a lot of the junk from the stock rom on the internal sd along with the data from your new rom. If you have the rom file you flashed on your external sd card. You can boot into recovery and format /sdcard to nuke almost everything. You'll have to stay in recovery after this is done and reflash the CM rom and install the apps you want from scratch to get the maximum amount of free space.
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So, if my custom rom (install)file is on my external SD card, i can format my (internal)sd card? Afterwards install the custom rom again (from external sd card) and i'm ready to go.
Is that correct?
Thanks, i think it worked. At least i have all my internal memory back!

