Assigning Custom Actions To Buttons <-- SORTED THIS - General Topics

The O2 Active rubbish that comes on the XDA IIs allows you to go straigh to your pop3 inbox via a link in its menu. When I use the hardware email button on the front, it starts up inbox, but it aint my pop3 inbox its the default outlook inbox.
Is there any way of assigning custom actions to a hardware button? Such that pressing the email button pulls up pocket outlook pointing at my pop3 inbox??
Also, whats the best registry editor prog for windows mobile 2003 devices?

Found this:
But was hoping not to have to write a bl00dy launcher just to get it to point at my inbox!

Sorted for anyone who is interested
Sorted this. For anyone whos interested:
Use activesync to copy the file \Windows\AppButtons\Messaging.lnk to your PC. Edit the file with notepad. You could also edit it on the device, but I prefer a decent keyboard!!
The Messaging.lnk file will read something like:
Change it to read something like
19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "ServiceName"
The number on the front (in my case #19) should be kept the same as it is currently on your device.
ServiceName could be: Text, MMS, MyPopAcc, blah blah.
There are a load of parameters for tmail.exe by the looks of it. One site that claimed to list them was down/dead.
Save the modified file and copy it back to your device. Now when you hit the 'email' hardware button you'll get the service you mentioned as a default.
You can also stick -attatch on the end i.e:
19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "ServiceName" - attatch
But I found that this did nothing with email. Maybe with MMS etc.
If anyone knows any of the other commands for tmail, pls post!?

If, after changing the file in App Buttons it still launches the messaging pointing at the wrong folder, do the following:
Close the messaging app (completely) from settings --> system --> memory --> Running Programs.
Then goto Settings --> Personal --> Buttons, and change button 4 from messaging to some other program. Tap OK, use the messaging button to start that other program, quit said program, go back into Buttons, and change button 4 back to messaging. Try to launch messaging.
It must cache the old info somehow.

i believe you'll find the short cuts is set in the registry and doesn't use the program thats selected on the buttons controle pannel item

Nope, it definately uses the stuff in appbuttons! Perhaps these get read and copied to the registry, dunno, but changing the prog in the appbutton shortcut changes what gets launchen when you hit the hardware button.

And, if you want to delete the entire crappy outlook/activesync account try removing the appropriate folder (dunno what it's called now, lol) from:
edit - Incidentally, the new i-mate ROM always starts the messaging client in the 'last viewed' account anyway.

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Dont trash the outlook key in here. If you do then you will indeed, loose 'outlook' folder in the inbox app (good!), but as a side effect, sms notify will also stop working (unit will not make noise and display part of message when sms received) (bad!)

19#"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "Text"
Worked first time for me - takes me straight to my SMS inbox


NEW: Activate Mail + Send & Receive

I've made a tool to activate email (built-in) and start syncing.
Tested only on WM2003, not sure if it would work on WM5.
Usuage: SyncAccount "MailAccount"
Using this, you can activate email, and sync with the push of a single button
makes life easy ;-)
Program here is delivered as is, use at your own risk.
i'm not gonna make any further improvements, as this suits my own needs as is.
happy mailing 8)
runs on my wizard... very good!
Heimiko: I made a similar app in VJPhoneShortcuts a while back. Did you manage to activate syncing even when the current account has been changed, eg, if the user switches to SMS, have you got it to switch back to email before syncing? I got too busy to figure it out at the time
Hai vijay555,
I did manage that, yes, even though SMS account is enabled, it will switch to the email account, and start syncing from there on....
I use your VJDialer app, and I wanted to use email in the same sort of way... couldn't find it anywhere, so.. here ya go ;-)
Good stuff. I'll look into it. I've never used my pda for email, but a few guys were asking for this facility.
No need, here's how to:
tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount"
tmail.exe -Sync
call those 2 after each other. Don't use them in a single call, because as soon as you use -Sync, the mail app wont be activated (not brought to the foreground).
so.. 2 * CreateProcess is all that's needed
Nice nice nice!
I was doing it in such a dopey way, as ever.
Is it ok for me to implement this into VJPhoneShortcuts? There's a couple of extensions I want to add, but it's a much neater then the way I was doing...
I'll give you full credit of course
Sure... no problem. Cool me being somewhere in those credit lines ;-)
I guess you actualy search for the button on that Doc and send a WM_CLICK to it... ? i was thinking in that direction at first, but then, i knew there had to be a simpler way. If you google for "tmail.exe command line", you'll find some other stuff, as you can see, tmail.exe can already do natively what you do with your phone tools, sending emails, sending sms's, etc. all from command line. (you just need to know how, hehe). But then, you can't ever find this -Sync option... that was trail and error to find out... i tried lots of different keywords, lolz. Weird that its not documented anywhere.
Anyway, use it wisely ;-)
Yes, the original VJPhoneTools were done in the same way through tmail.exe, but I've never used the email so never thought about doing -sync it through the command line. For someone who does everything through the command line, I was so stupid not to think of it
Many thanks.
vijay555 one request with your phonetools. Can you give identifiable icons to each function? I have shortcuts on my today but cant distinguish which icon does what. So maybe a mail icon for checkmail? Thanks
VJPhoneShortcuts will be remade shortly.
VJPhoneTools: I think they do have different icons don't they?
vijay555, sorry i actually meant vijayphoneshortcuts. The icons are all the same, of a cell phone. I use check email and speed dial and they look the same in my today launcher.
efjay: I'll try to fix the icons shortly. I'm actually just about to throw in a whole load of new features and finally put in WM2003/Wm5 dual compatibility. Heimiko's generous info has given me a reason to finish it, I've been sitting on the almost finished code for so long.
However, it's likely to be only one app, so one icon, but with about 8 functions. So you might have to set up your own icons (if I can find some relevant ones I will). However, have a look at this thread for info on how to set up nice icons etc for your shortcuts.
ok, thanks for the link. look forward to the new version.
Heimiko, I use your SyncAccount program and it is great, but I wonder if there is any way to get the email to start syncing without bringing the tmail.exe program to the front as if this happens I dont get any notifications - I run SyncAccount with a scheduler, so the PPC screen isn`t on.
sure, to do that, don't run SyncAccount, run this commandline instead:
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
Doing this will do exactly what you just asked.
g'luck ;-)
Wow as simple as that, thanks to you.
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync
is very helpful!
Is there a way Empty Deleted Items along the same lines? In particular, I would like to have a single shortcut that first empties deleted items and then checks the mail in my pop3 account.
The other thing I would like to do is run activesync's connect via bluetooth as a single command, rather than navigating to that item.
I`m not sure if there is a single command to run Activesync via BT, but there is a program called SKSchema that is like the windows scheduler and will allow you to set up a load of things to run at a regular interval or just when you click an icon, it`s very powerful.
This is what I wanted with the check email in background command.
You have to enter the shortcut correct with Sync at the end. And correct LetterCase!
\Windows\tmail.exe -Service "MailAccount" -Sync

Windows Mobile 6.1 Threaded Sms Question

In Windows Mobile 6.1 the sms was now threaded.
Which is good but i have some question
how to display the received time in the sms.cos for now it only show date.
I have the same question.... Maybe show something like 2/13/08 5:32 PM next to each message in the thread would be excellent
I would also like to know how to delete an specific message from a thread. I tried click/hold, but only displays select all. There's no delete option for just one message.. only the complete thread.
Same thing here.. Can't delete specific sms.. the only thing that i can do is to delete the entire thread of sms.. =(
pulsorock said:
I have the same question.... Maybe show something like 2/13/08 5:32 PM next to each message in the thread would be excellent
I would also like to know how to delete an specific message from a thread. I tried click/hold, but only displays select all. There's no delete option for just one message.. only the complete thread.
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While viewing the thread, use your D-pad (arrows) to select the desired message to delete, it will turn blue, then you can delete/forward/etc.. to that SMS, this is also the ONLY way you can forward a message.
what about searching all your texts? you used to be able to type in anything and search for any text with that word in it. it was so helpful and i dont think u can do it anymore any one know?
thanks for the information, kasush!
i have another question. when in inbox, the choices at the bottom are "delete" and "menu". would it be possible to replace "delete" with "new"?
Is there any way of removing the "threaded SMS" altogether
(i.e. go back to the traditional viewing options??
i did this on the universal but im sure it will work on all devices
Remove Threaded SMS & Return To Traditional SMS
Open a registry editor and navigate to:
add a folder "OEM" (without the quote marks)
add a dword value "SMSInboxThreadingDisabled" (without the quote marks)
and set it to 1
ta-da! you now have traditional SMS
using Mode sms for disabling threaded msg is much easy go here
SMS Folders
I'm unable to create SMS folders in WM 6.1. Option is disabled. It was very easy with Windows Mobile 6
Can´t ENABLE threaded view
I just got an Acer DX900 with WM6.1 pro and I noticed the sms inbox is shown in the old non-threaded view.
I´d like to use the threaded view I had before in my previous HTC phone.
I´ve checked and the registry key (SMSInboxThreadingDisabled) is not present so I don´t understand why the messages are not shown in threaded view.
Any ideas???
how to change number of SMS (is thread view) displaying on one site (default 12) to other number?
SMS for configuring MMS
Hi all,
my provider (t-mobile germany) have a service to automaticly configure internet and mms on windows handys.
he sends a sms, which I have to "install". This worked on my old windows versions. but in the new one, with threaded sms, the question to install the configuration, don't apear.
Do anyone know, how to install this configuration sms?
greetings from germany.
The easiest way to change your sms from threaded to the original (classic) individual messages is to go your system settings (start menu, settings, system tab). There should be an icon for text messaging, in there you can switch between classic and threaded.
kingsizeriz said:
i did this on the universal but im sure it will work on all devices
Remove Threaded SMS & Return To Traditional SMS
Open a registry editor and navigate to:
add a folder "OEM" (without the quote marks)
add a dword value "SMSInboxThreadingDisabled" (without the quote marks)
and set it to 1
ta-da! you now have traditional SMS
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Click to collapse
Nice Job dude!!

Remove MMS options/shortcut to SMS

Apparently this has been answered before but I'm sorry I can't find the answer -- I HAVE searched....
I love my Tytn 2 but what has always annoyed me is the number of clicks to get to a new SMS screen:
start -> messaging -> sms/mms -> menu -> new -> sms
I have to make sure i dont accidentally press MMS -- I never use MMS and I dont know anyone who does! Never seems to work between different phone types anyway.
I'd like to hack the registry to get rid of all MMS options if possible.
Also any shortcuts to get straight to the "new SMS" window ?
Actually, your second question has already been answered in your other tread (but nice to see you posting in the right place) Just note that there shouldn't be a space between "-" and "body".
After renaming this file from .txt to .lnk just transfer it over to your phone and run it. Or even better, first transfer it to your phone as text file, and then rename it to "New SMS.lnk
Running this shortcut will get you to the new SMS window. For easier access you can bind it to one of the softkeys to this shortcut (you can use this: ) or copy it to "/windows/start menu".
You can also create shortcuts with filled recepient filed this way, and even with filled body. For example, if you often message someone with phone number 1234567, you can use this in the link file:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "1234567" -body ""
putting something between quotation marks after -body will insert this text into the massage.
mr_deimos said:
Actually, your second question has already been answered in your other tread (but nice to see you posting in the right place) Just note that there shouldn't be a space between "-" and "body".
After renaming this file from .txt to .lnk just transfer it over to your phone and run it. Or even better, first transfer it to your phone as text file, and then rename it to "New SMS.lnk
Running this shortcut will get you to the new SMS window. For easier access you can bind it to one of the softkeys to this shortcut (you can use this: ) or copy it to "/windows/start menu".
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Yeah sorry about posting in wrong area..seems to have got someones back up.
Have tried this - followed instructions to the letter... the .lnk file appears as a folder. Clicking on it does nothing (have tried renaming both before and after transferrirng it). I dont have a /windows/start menu folder as far as i can see (cant even see a windows folder via synccenter or explorer) - HTC Tytn 2, WM6.1 on Vodafone UK
Anyways, I think the other suggestion of going via contacts is easier.
I still want to know if poss to remove MMS options by tweaking the registry though. These options seem to have been added to WM6 -- didnt have same options in Wm5. I have been using WM for years so should know my way round by now!
Thanks for your help.
Just go into your setting and choose to go to the sms account and not the account picker.

Vito SmsChat as Default?

Hey friends
Is there any possibility that to change the default sms manager with vito smschat app?
Thanks for warning and still waiting the answer
you want to load vitosms when you click on Messaging instead of loading Poutlook?
nir36 said:
you want to load vitosms when you click on Messaging instead of loading Poutlook?
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Yes i want vito sms as default
Me too
Hey all,
I'm looking for the same answer. I'm running DCD 3.3.4 and cannot get threaded SMS to work, though Vito Chat works well. Vito will intercept any incoming SMS, but I want to use it with my HTC Home and cannot figure it out.
Thanks in advance, F
mortscript can help you with this.. if you want to change the default messaging app.
i suggest you search in the MortScript Examples thread..
if you can't find a script for this there, you can post a request in this section for a script to change it... i'm sure someone would help you out.
You must have a registry editor!
go to:
in the string "1" write
"\Program File\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"
ps. you have to write the "
gfandrea said:
You must have a registry editor!
go to:
in the string "1" write
"\Program File\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"
ps. you have to write the "
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Hi, i test this way but it doesnt work for me, i can see in the string "0" the word TMAIL its mean something ?? i hope your opinion my friend
i have TMAIL in 0 to...
i dont now why it doest work for you... check the spelling in 1, and remember to add the "
and if you installed vito sms chat on storage card you have to change the link...
gfandrea said:
i have TMAIL in 0 to...
i dont now why it doest work for you... check the spelling in 1, and remember to add the "
and if you installed vito sms chat on storage card you have to change the link...
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It worked for me (Thank you) with TWO DIFFERENCES:
- I didn't write the ""
- I have a German ROM so the path is \Programme\VITO\SMS-CHAT\SMSChat.exe
Hi, i try again this configuration, but it doesnt work, i try with "" amd without "" and nothing, i have instaled the program in my HTC no in the storage card, but i see when i write this the messaging icon change like undetifine, well i hope others suggestion and thanks for your help.
Note: could you show some images, i wanna sms-chat by default for work to spb mobile shell 3
I post a screenshoot! hope will help
BTW in my ppc mobileshell point to vito sms chat with this change on the registry!
This .reg hack works for me with the "" but the path is \program files\ (with an s) not \program file\, so check that if it's not working for you.
And thanks grandrae, this make ms3 just a little better. Do you know any other ms3 .reg hacks? I would like to launch g-alarm from my clock.
Hi, i have a HTC Titan, and i am using SPB Mobile Shell 3, when i try this register change and i press the SMS botton nothing happens, my vito sms-chat is no default sms program, i check letter by letter all its ok, but i dont know why dont works for me, y wait yours tips please..!
uniqueboy said:
This .reg hack works for me with the "" but the path is \program files\ (with an s) not \program file\, so check that if it's not working for you.
And thanks grandrae, this make ms3 just a little better. Do you know any other ms3 .reg hacks? I would like to launch g-alarm from my clock.
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This is not a mobileshell 3 hack... you change the default sms manager for all the windows mobile system, i dont now ms3, so i dont now other hack for it, sorry.
imohtep said:
Hi, i have a HTC Titan, and i am using SPB Mobile Shell 3, when i try this register change and i press the SMS botton nothing happens, my vito sms-chat is no default sms program, i check letter by letter all its ok, but i dont know why dont works for me, y wait yours tips please..!
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If when you push the sms button, nothing happend, the problem is that you write wrong the path to sms chat; check if it work with or without te " and if you have sms chat installed in an other directory.
Partially working
Hi. I'm also using Spb Shell 3, and it is starting Vito SMS very well. It's just a matter of making sure that the app path is ok. As a suggestion, what I use to do is in the PC with Windows Explorer I navigate all the way to the executable, and the copy the path from the explorer and paste it on the registry (directly on the phone via MyMobiler, or on the PC using CERegEditor). So, on the main screen, when I press the SMS button it goes directly to SMS-Chat.
What is not working is, when I go to the Contacts panel and press the "Send SMS" button, it goes to the app, but not directly composing a message, so I have to browse and select the contact. Is it possible to start composing directly from the contact panel?
Thanks in advance.
rafaelegomezb said:
What is not working is, when I go to the Contacts panel and press the "Send SMS" button, it goes to the app, but not directly composing a message, so I have to browse and select the contact. Is it possible to start composing directly from the contact panel?
Thanks in advance.
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This may or may not work for the Contacts panel, but try modifying the registry key and append open:%s outside of the quotes.
1 -> "\Program Files\Vito\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe" open:%s
Seemed to work for me in MS2 Contacts. The unfortunate side-effect of doing this though, is when you select the SMS icon on the Now screen, it goes to the compose window (and addresses it to some unknown string like "Service...").
i changed this registry entry
1 -> "\Program Files\Vito\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"
from the now screen it opens sms-chat(good)
from the contacts it opens sms-chat(good)
from the map messages in spb3 when i select messages it selects sms-chat(good)
from the map messages in spb3 when i select compose new message it selects THE ORIGINAL WM program NOT GOOD.
were is that second entry located in the registry?
it seems 2 entries are used, one for messages and one for compose new message

Where are the email settings/options on htc touch pro??

I've searched the forum and can't find an answer to my problem.
I've set up 2 pop emails (corp pop & gmail) and both work in sending & receiving mail.
Now I want to edit the settings such as signature, max download size, download frequency, etc but can't find it anywhere.
I set up the accounts through touchflo/mail/menu/accounts/new account.
I have gone to messaging/menu but there is no "option" field anywhere.
I went to touchflo/mail/menu/accounts/accounts but this just takes me to messaging
I went to the email settings of Activesync but it doesn't show the individual email settings.
I also want to delete a 3rd mail account that I don't want there.
I am using:
EnergyRom Genesis 09.06.09
Please help! TIA!
You need to go to Tools---->Options to change the settings. Do it with the microsoft email application, not the TF3D one (I haven't used tf3d in a long time, so I'm not sure how to use it).
Thanks for your reply.
However, when I go to messaging, there is no "tools" field.
All I have is:
Follow Up
Then you will get tabs which show 'Accounts' 'Message' 'Address' 'Storage'
This is all I see when i tap "menu" in messaging (not touchflo)
All I have is:
Follow Up
Scrolling down doesn't bring up more options?
none. there is no scroll bar so I suppose there are no other fields. it's really weird that tits not there
I took out the battery for more than 2 minutes and this seemed to have done the trick!
Thanks all for the help.

