XDA II / iMate PDA IR Keyboard Drivers - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Accessories

G'day All,
Has anyone found an IR keyboard that works with the XDA II (or iMATE) other than the mythical genuine O2 IR Keyboard?
Every driver that I've found so far either trashes the XDA II or really messes things up.
While I understand that there's a few people on the forums asking a similar question, I thought I'd start a topic and see if we can aggregate the various results!
BTW: To start the ball rolling - Targus say "not anytime soon" for their XDA II driver, Citipack are meant to be working on one (a few months away). ThinkOutside don't reply to emails (!!)...
Any other results?

Just to make things a little interesting!
The first person that emails me an IR Keyboard driver that works on a Citipack IR Keyboard with an iMate (XDA II) wins a brand new CitiPack keyboard including freight to wherever you are (we sell these keyboards).
Email: [email protected]

Competition Finished
Well Guys,
That was really disappointing!
No-one submitted a driver at all!
AND we've now got them ready for the iMate / XDA II/ MDA II
The IR Keyboard with drivers for XDA II / iMate etc is now available for Australian buyers online at
http://estore.pressd.com in the Pocket PC & Barcode Solutions section under the iMate / XDA section or under keyboards.

could you send me the driver please as i cant get the keyboard working with my xda 2
[email protected]


Help! Targus PA870 wireless keyboard

I just bought a Targus PA870 wireless keyboard yesterday for my XDA II and it doesn't work... does anybody have a working driver for it??
Please help!
Targus Universal Keyboard doesn't seem to like XDA II!!!!
Me too! Doesn't work!
Targus website is useless! No drivers where they should be!
Could use some help!
GUess what? I e-mailed them, and they said.. and I quote, " The keyboard is incompatible. return for a refund."
GUess what? I e-mailed them, and they said.. and I quote, " The keyboard is incompatible. return for a refund."
New Targus Keyboard Driver for XDA II
Sorry - shoulda posted this here I guess!
Targus have just released the new driver for this keyboard making it compatible with XDA II! I had bought it a few weeks ago but was disappointed that it was NOT universal at all!
However, the new driver works fine - very pleased. Fine device - great price.
Below is the note from Targus. My compliments to their Customer Support tekkie Jose M (whose name I've shortened for his privacy). He was knowledgeable, honest about the difficulties, courteous and efficient. Credit where credit is due!
Thank you for your patience while we contacted the appropriate department regarding the tests for the PA870.
Please know that the XDA II has been added to the web as compatible.
Please download and install the very latest drivers Version 1.31 from the web at:
Please uninstall the old drivers before installing the new ones.
Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Best regards,
Jose M
Targus Europe Ltd
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I've almost given up all hope of using it

PDA to XDA help please

Hi guys,
I'm a noobie here as my whopping total of 1 posts indicates. :lol:
I've been reading through the forum over the weekend and have learned a lot from the posts here. Unfortunately its left me more confused over which XDA I should get. So i'm going to take the easy route and ask you guys. :wink:
I've got, and have been happy using an Ipaq H5550 for a couple of years now. Both for work and pleasure, but 'The Powers That Be' now claim I need a mobile as well :?
I've spent a fair bit of time, effort and money on the H5550, what with Accessories, Utils, Apps and Games, which i'd like to keep if possible. So, my question is:
Which XDA would you guys advice as a replacement for my H5550 ?
On spec's my guess is the XDA Exec, but any advice from real world users would be more than welcome.
Thanks ZaForD.
Ah yes the H5550, an oldy but a goody!
Any way, for us to recommend a device we need to know more about your preferences / intended use.
The hottest thing (if you can wait a bit) is the Hermes / TyTN that's about to come out. It's only deficiency is that it is not VGA like the exec.
Personally, I like my Jamin (Prophet) because of connectivity and size and a price that doesn't go through the roof, but some people might say it's a bit slow, and has no keyboard (not that I need one).
And, if you don't mind a big device with a square 240 by 240 screen, there is the HP 6900 that has WiFi BT and GPS (a rare combination in a phone).
As they say to each hi own, so you have to be a bit more specific.
P.S. Welcome to the forum!
Hi levenum,
Oop's, I can see how some info on what features I need/use would be helpful before you give any advice.
Basically, I do mobile repairs, helpdesk/support, for small offices in London. So I need a fairly powerful device to run Network/Daignostic software. WiFi is a must both for connecting to local networks and our office via the Net. BT would be handy for handsfree use, the Ipaq can get pretty heavy when using Skype for a while.
Size isn't really a problem, as i'm used to the H5550. Which from what I gather is bigger than most of the XDA's here. Again the Ipaq has no keyboard so thats not a problem. Neither is GPS, after 10 years as a messenger around London, I think I know my way round. :wink:
I'll check out the Prophet and Hermes, the more options the better.
p.s. Thanks for the welcome.
Well now that I know that your main uses are WiFi and Skype I can tell you that Prophet may not be the device for you after all.
It supports WiFi b and g (where a lot of phones only support b) and it has BT, but from what I've seen on the forums it needs to be overclocked for Skype to work smoothly (although it comes with Skype preinstalled).
I haven't tested this my self though.
One thing I forgot to tell you is that there is a comparison chart in the WiKi for different HTC devices, and there is a nice site www.gsmarena.com that gives specs and user ratings on most GSM phones out there today from different companies.
Check it out.
Thanks for your help levenum,
I checked out GSMarena and came up with a short list of XDA Exec, and Atom Exec there was no real info on the Hermes. But I read alot about it here, so I added it to my list.
After hunting round for most of the afternoon, it turns out that the Atom and the Hermes. Aren't really available yet, so it looks like i'll be getting the XDA Exec. Just gotta see whos got the best deals now.
And start working my way through the Universal forum. :shock:
Welcome to the forum!
Having had xda's for a few years now, (since the 1st one was released) and in my work testing many new devices, im still delighted with my exec, espcially the screen, but mainly the keyboard and connectivity options. For your uses the mini laptop mode the exec on a desk whilst working, in tandem with the keyboard, you will soon wonder how you managed without one!
Down sides to the exec, as a phone its maybe a bit bulky to use as an everyday mobile (pub, days out without the car etc) but not much worse than any other pda phone on the market.
Hope that helps settle your mind to the exec, you wont regret it i reckon!
Hi Bryson,
Thanks for the welcome.
I just saw a couple of comments about the 'laptop mode' while getting very confused in the Universal section. :shock:
I have to say I really like the idea of it. I used to use a Thinkpad X21 [lovely little laptop] for work and missed the screen and keyboard when I first swaped over to the H5550. Now it looks like I can have the best of both worlds.
The Exec is around the same size and weight as the H5550, which I usually carry around with me as an MP3 player when not at work. So the bulk shouldn't a problem.
A couple of things i'm still alittle unsure about [due mainly to not having a mobile for years] is how well it works with a BT headset, and is it possible to use it as a phone via the BT headset, while using Terminal Service over WiFi ?
If it can, I may never have to leave the pub.

WTB: XDA II Backpack

Hey guys,
Im just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy an XDA II Backpack for my phone or if one of you have one they dont use anymore
I think production of back pack is discontinued. It good idea to have it from another
before you get an used one you should know as far as i know they are not compatible with wm5 or wm6 so only buy one if you are sticking with wm2003
please check your Private Messages
HTC Himalaya / Alpine / Andes & O2 XDA II / IIi Battery Backpack with CF slot
We have some original backpack brand new in pack left in our inventory. You may wish to take a look and decide if you need it.

Regarding O2 XDA Orbit

Don't know which section this should be in so placed it here.
I am looking at getting the phone switched if possible from Windows Mobile to a version of Linux as I will be upgrading to the Tytn II shortly.
the device is called artemis and have it's own forum even with a picture
Thank-you very much, thought it was that but the design is different.
Have a good day.

Help me to choose a PPC

hi guys
i m using xda IIi and want to change it
help me to choose a good PPC
1) imate Jamin
and which brand is good in window mobiles
gsmarena.com is a food place to look for a new phone, has an extensive search function that can narrow thigns down for you by functionality.
If you need a hardware keyboard then go for Rhodium, the best device with keyboard.
If not there are several options on the market, I would say Leo.
Let us know what you´ve got
Regarding which brand: HTC of course!!

